At Peak District Canine Massage and Hydrotherapy we have a 3M x 5M Hydrotherapy Pool.

Your dog will enter the pool via an extra wide non slip ramp and are allowed plenty of time to

adjust to the often alien environment of a swimming pool.

All dogs wear carefully fitted buoyancy jackets whilst in the pool, these provide extra support and reduce the workload. The built in handles on the jackets enable the us to safely but gently maintain control of your dog whilst in the water. In some cases we may use harnesses rather than buoyancy jackets, these offer less support but still enable the us to stay in control.

Whilst we always stay with the dog in the pool we may allow advanced rehab patients or those attending purely for fitness to free swim for some of the session, however the dog will still be encouraged to swim in differing movement patterns to encourage equal muscular tone.

The pool is also equipped with built in jets that may be used to add extra resistance if appropriate.